Ramadan in Turkey: The Ultimate Guide for a Great Trip and a unique Perspective
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Ramadan in Turkey can be a great time to visit when you consider some of the things we will talk about in this article.
While Turkey has a secular government, it is a Muslim-majority country, with most of the population identifying as Muslim. Turkey is also one of the most liberal and Westernized Islamic countries in the world.
You’ll encounter a mix of conservatives and liberals here, with many observing Ramadan to varying degrees during your visit.
The month of Ramadan, a time for fasting and celebration, is one of the most significant Islamic holidays and carries with it a rich cultural history.
Having lived here for years, I can tell you from first-hand experience that the atmosphere definitely shifts during Ramadan. However, I also know that not everyone will feel this change.
In this post, we’ll explore what Ramadan is, what it entails, and whether visiting during this time is a good fit for you.
The short answer: it depends on your preferences and what you hope to experience on your trip!
Let’s jump in.
what happens during Ramadan?
Let’s start with a basic introduction to Islam. The Islamic faith is made up of 5 pillars:
- First pillar: Shahada (Declaration of Faith)
- Second Pillar: Salah (Prayer)
- Third Pillar: Zakat (Almsgiving/Charity)
- Fourth Pillar: Sawm (Fasting)
- Fifth Pillar: Hajj (Pilgrimage)
The holy month of Ramadan fulfills the 4th pillar of Islam and is a 30-day fast (during daylight hours) that is observed by most Muslims in at least some capacity.
Fun fact: According to the Hadith, a Muslim is prohibited to simply say Ramadan. They must say the “month of Ramadan” as it is believed to be one of the names of God in Islam.
Ramadan happens in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. The number of days of Ramadan (29 or 30) is based on when the new crescent moon is visible.
Some are exempt (children, elderly, breastfeeding, diabetic, or women who are menstruating), and adults who aren’t able to fast are expected to make up the time later.
Ramadan is a time of intentionality with regard to prayer & worship both at the mosque and at home, self-improvement, and spiritual reflection.
They are also more generous in charity to the poor and good deeds in general.
Because of this, even those who don’t strictly follow the food fast will often use this time to take a closer look at their lives.
They believe that as they do so, it cleanses their soul.
First Day | Last Day |
1 March 2025 | 29 March 2025 |
18 Feb 2026 | 19 March 2026 |
7 Feb 2027 | 25 Feb 2027 |
27 Jan 2028 | 25 Feb 2028 |
During these 30 days, those who are observing Ramazan will fast from dawn to sunset. They don’t just fast from food and drink though.
So what do they fast from?
- NO drinking – during the day
- NO eating – during the day
- NO sex – for the entire month
- NO smoking – for the entire month
- NO gum – for the entire month
They believe that this time of year temptations are less and thus it is easier to act rightly. This allows them to do this fast.
Since it is a secular government, they don’t have laws regarding fasting during Ramadan. There is a strict observance of Ramadan by true Muslims while nominal Muslims may live life as usual during Ramadan.
Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, the timing changes every year. So when visiting Türkiye during Ramadan, make sure you check out the dates for the year you’re going.
In 2025, Ramadan will be observed from March 1 – March 29. Following this 30 days of fasting is a 3-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr, also called the Şeker Bayramı, or Sugar Holiday.
The Two Important Meals During Ramadan
Suhur Meal
The Suhur is the pre-dawn meal. Between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m., you might hear banging during Ramadan.
An ancient Ottoman practice was to have drummers and musicians go through the streets to wake people up so they could eat before the sun came up.
After completing this meal before the fast at sunrise, the call to prayer will sound and they will begin their prayers for the day.
İftar Meal
The Iftar meal is a Ramadan feast that happens after sunset. It is typically something that many foreigners and non-Muslims are invited to.
They break the fast with this meal, starting with dates to commemorate Muhammad’s practice. It is a glorious buffet of delicious food and water as they have abstained all day.
One of my absolute favorite parts of this holiday is the special bread they make during Ramadan. It is called Ramazan pidesi.
Make sure you swing by a local bakery “firin” and ask for a Ramazan pidesi. The texture is unique and lovely. This Ramadan bread comes in a couple of varieties: with egg and with lots of sesame seeds.
Personally, I am partial to the one which is called sade (sah-day). It means that it is plain. Let me know what you think! If you are invited to an iftar, you will be welcomed with open arms and should most definitely go and check it out!
Eid al-Fitr
Or Sugar Holiday is a three-day holiday with a feast of celebration that marks the end of Ramadan. Every country has different rules and customs for this holiday.
Even different regions will include different foods and traditional desserts in their celebrations.
In Turkey, people wear their nicest clothes, visit each other, and visit friends and family who have passed on by going to cemeteries.
Children especially love this holiday in Turkey as they go around to their neighbors, wishing them a happy holiday and being rewarded with chocolates or sweets in return. Sometimes they are even given small amounts of money.
How would visiting Turkey during Ramadan affect my trip?
In some countries, it is illegal to eat outside during Ramadan. Thankfully in Turkey, this is not the case. Because Turkey is a secular government, there are no strict laws about it.
That being said, there are a few things you should consider when visiting during the observance of Ramadan:
- Some shops, restaurants, and cafes may close earlier than normal, some may be closed completely and others still do business as usual.
- Touristy areas and big cities, like Istanbul or Cappadocia, are quite different. You may notice no change at all. They realize their customers are not observing the same fast as them.
- It is generally considered polite to refrain from eating and drinking in the open or while walking out of consideration to those around you.
- Also, avoid smoking in public.
- Alcohol may be more difficult to find/purchase during this time.
- Lunar holidays start on the night before the day of the holiday. Because of this, you will see offices close at lunchtime the day before Eid al-Fitr.
Some Ramadan in Turkey Travel Tips for the Best Experience
Respect the Local Customs
Of course, you can do what you want, but to be a great tourist, it shows so much honor to the locals to respect their customs. This means things like:
- Outside of touristy areas, if you must smoke, eat, or drink, be a bit more discreet than you normally would. This is especially important if you’re in a village or in a more traditional area.
- Dress more modestly than you might normally. This is a very special and holy time of the year for Muslims. It will show much honor to them.
Be Flexible
Depending on where you are will determine how much this holiday impacts your travel. If you’re in a touristy area, you’ll likely not see much difference like I have already said.
If, however, you’re in a smaller town or traditional neighborhood, remember to be flexible. You may even be invited to an Iftar (the meal after sunset).
You may also see changes in attraction and businesses’ hours of operation. Many close for Iftar even if they are open during the day. Sometimes they will open afterward but many will close for the evening.
check for Transportation Changes
There may be changes in the public transportation schedule. They have different schedules for weekdays and weekends. Sometimes major holidays also affect this. One more way to be a bit flexible I guess.
You should also plan for traffic to be a bit more chaotic just before Iftar begins as everyone is scrambling to get to their place. It will seem quite empty during and after the meal.
When joining Iftar, Bring Something
There are many things that you can bring to Iftar! Things like fresh baklava, a halal gift box, tarts or dates, and fruit are always good options, as is any food honestly.
When you show up with something, even if it is small or inexpensive, you show great honor to your host.
Is visiting during Ramadan a good idea?
This is a question you will have to answer for yourself. It really depends on what you hope to get out of your trip to Turkey. Here are a few things to consider:
- Are you sensitive to spiritual atmospheres? While some can feel a difference in the atmosphere during such an important Islamic holiday, most others can’t. If you’re a sensitive person, it may not be the best time of year to visit.
- Do you love experiencing different parts of others’ cultures? You will definitely experience something here during this time that you can’t do any other time of the year. There is much to be gained by these amazing and hospitable people.
- What is your goal in traveling?
- If you plan to stay in touristy areas, you will likely not notice much difference during the other times of the year.
- If you plan to visit more rural places and want to experience Turkey like a local, you will find your plans much more hindered and may not be the best time.
So this is really up to you and your preferences. If you do come during Ramadan, make sure you come back again another time in the year and vice versa!
Final thoughts on Ramazan
Visiting Turkey during Ramadan definitely has some pros and cons. Whether it is a good choice for you really depends on what you hope to get out of your trip.
If you are a feeler, you may feel Ramadan in Turkey affects you more than others, which could be an important thing to consider before traveling.
If you aren’t a feeler or are just curious about having the experience, it may be the perfect time to visit!
Either way you go it could be great! But that also means you can just come back and see what it’s like during another season of the year!
But for sure visitors to Türkiye are welcomed, across Turkey, to celebrate Ramadan with the Turkish people.
There are also many other holidays celebrated in Turkey. You can check out my post on holidays in Turkey for a closer look at other special days in Turkey.
What do you think?! Will you be visiting Turkey during Ramadan?
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Turkey Vacation Basics
When I plan a trip these are the websites I use. I hope they help you plan your next adventure as well!
FLIGHTS: I am a huge fan of Skyscanner and WayAway.
VISAS: You can use the free e-visa portal here but for a few extra dollars you can use iVisa and someone else will handle any issues that may come up.
E-SIM: When I traveled to SE Asia I discovered e-sims and I’m never going back. Airalo has been easy and cheap!
TRAVEL INSURANCE: I use TravelInsurance.com for my trips abroad.
CAR RENTAL: I have loved working with Discover Cars when I rent cars in country.
AIRPORT TRANSFERS: I have used these transfers many times and they are always great. If you’d like more options, I also recommend GetTransfers.com as they allow you to compare companies.
ACCOMMODATION: Find the best Turkey hotel deals on Booking.com.
CITY TOURS & DAY TRIPS: You can browse GetYourGuide’s website to find just the tour you’re looking for! We also recommend the MegaPass for major cities.